Land of the Prairies

Which is known as the ‘Land of the Prairies’?

[A] Mexico
[B] Brazil
[C] North America
[D] France

Land of the Prairies

North America is referred to as the ‘Land of the Prairies’

  1. Vast grassland between the Rockies to the great river basin Mississippi and Missouri which is also known as the prairies.
  2. This is a Vast treeless plain.
  3. Prairies -areas of huge grasslands that have temperate climates and moderate rainfalls.
  4. These type of lands are referred to as the Great Plains of the Prairies.
  5. North America is referred to as the ‘Land of the Prairies’ as its central plain is an area of huge fertile grassland.
  6. Prairies – known for wheat cultivation and animal rearing.

North America is referred to as the ‘Land of the Prairies

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