Mauna Kea

‘Mauna Kea’ is present in

[A] Fiji
[B] New Zealand
[C] Hawaii 
[D] Philippines

Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea

  1. Highest point in the state of Hawaii
  2. Second-highest peak of an island on Earth.
  3. Mauna Kea the tallest mountain in the world, from its underwater base – Some authorities have labelled

Highest peak of an island on Earth

RankIsland NameHighest point nameHeight
1New GuineaPuncak Jaya4884 m
16,024 ft
2HawaiʻiMauna Kea4207 m
13,802 ft
3BorneoMount Kinabalu4095 m
13,435 ft
4TaiwanYu Shan3952 m
12,966 ft
5SumatraMount Kerinci3805 m
12,484 ft
islands with highest point by elevation

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