Silicon valley of India

silicon valley of India

Silicon valley of India

[A] Mumbai
[B] Bangalore
[C] Hyderabad
[D] Gurgaon

Beverly Hills of Mumbai

  • What does the term silicon valley mean?
    • This term is used for a region based in the San Francisco area. Several decades ago, this region housed several companies specialized in integrated circuit chips that contained silicon. The term “Silicon Valley” was first used by an American journalist- Don Hoefler, in 1971
    • Today, this region houses many innovative high tech IT companies like Google, Apple, HP, Facebook, Netflix etc.
  • How does Silicon valley Bangalore fit this definition?
    • Bangalore has been able to address five key points required to fit the bill to be crowned the IT capital of India.
    • Innovative IT companies in Bangalore.
    • Start-ups- Ecosystem
    • Availability of skilled human resources
    • R&D and design centres
    • Infrastructure and local government policies to encourage the growth of the industry

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